10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students in English: Water pollution is posing a great threat to the society. The Earth is covered by 70% water but only 0.007% of it is available for use by the billions of people who inhabit it. Why so you may ask? This is because our freshwater is depleting at a rate of 3928 km per year, where 44% of the withdrawal is used for agriculture and the remaining 56% turns into wastewater.
Means water pollution! Water pollution is a problem because 80% of wastewater is released into the environment without proper treatment. Statistics claim that 2 million tons of sewage, industrial and agricultural waste are flowing into the world’s waters every day, which is equivalent to 6.8 billion people! So what is the cause of water pollution? The three types of water contaminants are chemical, radiological and biological.
These are often found in agriculture, industries, sewage systems and even household items such as motor oil, pharmaceuticals and personal care products that we use on a daily basis. Agriculture plays a large role in chemical contamination through excess nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers, soil erosion, and animal waste known as nutrient enrichment, which flow into rivers and lakes, dead zones on coastal continents Let’s make
It’s not just affecting humans; It is also affecting our ecosystem. The extinction rate for freshwater species is estimated to be five times higher than for terrestrial species.
10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students in English SET 1
Water Pollution Essay 10 Lines
1- Water pollution is caused by the introduction of some foreign material which lowers the quality of water and reduces its usefulness.
2- There are various sources which cause this water pollution.
3- To reduce this water pollution, we have to treat each source separately.
4- For example, household waste. So for domestic waste, to prevent water pollution, we need to make septic tank.
5- These septic tanks are underground tanks that treat sewage before releasing it into water bodies.
6- So in these septic tanks, the sewage gets decomposed by bacterial action.
7- When it is no longer harmful, it is released into water bodies.
8- Another way to prevent water pollution at the household level is by stopping bad practices.
9- Like bathing and washing clothes in rivers and lakes.
10- So by following these two points we can stop water pollution at domestic level.
10 Lines on Water Pollution in English SET 2
Water Pollution 10 Lines Essay for Students in English: The first of the essential things of human life is air and then water. It is very difficult to imagine this world without water. But still today a large amount of water is polluted. Today we are going to know 10 lines about water pollution.
10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students and Children in English
1- Those disordered substances which dissolve in natural water and affect the purity of water in such a way that it becomes useless or harmful is called water pollution.
2- The pH of normal pure water is 7. It can use water up to PH 8.5, but if it exceeds this, it comes under the category of polluted water.
3- Due to the mixing of gases and dust particles present in the rain water, wherever its water gets accumulated, that water also gets polluted.
4- The leakage of petrol and other substances is the biggest reason for polluting the sea water. Due to the accident of ships, the oil present in it also spreads in the sea.
5- There are no concrete drains in the village. Due to which the water reaches the reservoirs making a chaotic path. Due to which the water of the reservoirs gets polluted.
6- Big industries and factories discharge bad waste into rivers and lakes. Due to which the water becomes polluted and poisonous.
7- Some big factories do the work of smelting the substances, their remaining wastes are shed in the reservoirs on the pretext, due to which the temperature of the reservoirs increases. Due to which aquatic organisms die.
8- Many times dead animals are thrown into rivers and ponds by people. Due to which fungi, viruses etc. are produced due to their rotting and get mixed in the water. Due to which the water gets polluted.
9- In modern times, testing of explosive materials is also sometimes done at sea. Due to which the water is getting polluted.
10- Water is the first need of man, so it is our duty to save it from getting polluted and it should start from every person.
10 Lines On Water Pollution In English For Children And Students SET 3
Hello friends, 10 lines on water pollution will be written in English (10 Lines On Water Pollution In English Language) , is written for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 school and college students up to 12th.
You can also read big essays on our website. The video of this 10 Lines is given below. Earlier we had written 10 sentences on the importance of water. Today, pure water is of equal importance because even if the water is pure, it is not potable.
Water is used in all kinds of work along with fulfilling the needs of our body. Water pollution is also responsible for water scarcity, so today we have tried our best to include 10 lines on water pollution, so let’s start.
10 Lines on Water Pollution for the School Students
1- The merger of impurities and harmful chemicals in water is called water pollution.
2- Contamination of river, pond, sea, lake and ground water etc. is called water pollution.
3- Increasing urbanization has played a deep role in water pollution.
4- Dropping of industrial wastes directly into the rivers pollutes the water.
5- The reason for this is that there is no systematic drainage of household waste water in the cities.
6- These drains flowing in the cities are dropped in the rivers without any disposal.
7- Toxic substance like arsenic is found in most of the ground water of the world.
8- Drinking polluted water can cause major and serious diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid.
9- This problem of water pollution has gradually spread in almost all the countries of the world.
10- According to the report, about 35 lakh people die every year due to the use of contaminated water.
Water Pollution Speech in English 10 Lines SET 4
The first of the essential things of human life is air and then water. It is very difficult to imagine this world without water. But still today a large amount of water is polluted. Today we are going to know about water pollution 10 Lines on Water Pollution in English, Water Pollution 10 Lines Essay for Students in English, 10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines On Water Pollution in English For Children And Students Is.
10 Lines on Water Pollution for Class 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
1- When humans harm the biological, physical and chemical properties of water through various activities in their daily life, it is called water pollution.
2- In our country, water is called nectar, but when harmful substances are mixed in this nectar, it becomes poison.
3- Many diseases are arising due to water pollution, due to which many people are dying.
4- Talking about statistics, about 14000 people are dying every day in the world due to water pollution.
5- Every day 580 people are losing their lives in India due to water pollution.
6- Due to water pollution, the oxygen in the water is decreasing, due to which many organisms living inside the water are being destroyed.
7- According to an estimate, more than 50 million people in 34000 villages of India are suffering from a disease called cholera, which is caused by the pollution of water.
8- In many tribal villages of Rajasthan, more than 1,90,000 people drink water from dirty ponds, due to which they are suffering from a disease called Nas.
9- Apart from this, dangerous diseases like jaundice, polio, dysentery, viral fever etc. are also caused by polluted water.
10- But still today we are continuously polluting the water.
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Water Pollution Speech in English 10 Lines for Class 1/2/3/4/5 SET 5
10 Lines On Water Pollution In English For Children And Students: Water pollution. We all know that water is life, and drinking contaminated water is injurious to our health. That’s why water should always be kept clean and it should not be polluted.
How do we prevent water pollution and water pollution? To give correct information about all these, an essay of 10 Lines on Water Pollution in Hindi has been written.
This essay has been written by doing three sections for all class students. We hope that you will enjoy reading this essay and will get correct information about water pollution.
10 Lines on Water Pollution for the Kids
1- Water pollution is generally of two types. One is surface water pollution and the other is underground water pollution.
2- The polluted water in river, sea, pond is called surface water pollution.
3- And the water getting polluted inside the soil is called underground water pollution.
4- Mainly: There are 4 types of sources, which cause water pollution from these 4 types of sources.
5- First is domestic effect, second is industrial effect, third is surface runoff and fourth is thermal water pollution.
6- Domestic effect means water that is polluted by the waste coming out of the house, washing clothes and bathing animals in water.
7- Industrial effect means the water pollution caused by the residual material coming out of the factories which mix in the river or sea.
8- Surface runoff means the contaminated water that flows in the rain and joins the river or pond, which pollutes the water.
9- Thermal water pollution means that which is thermal power plant, they use water to cool their machines, after cooling all the machines, that water gets heated and they throw the hot water in the river or sea. gets polluted.
10- To prevent water pollution, all these sources should be closed and the pollution control board should make strict laws and give strict punishment to the water polluters, so that water pollution can be stopped.
FAQ: 10 Lines on Water Pollution
Q- What is the meaning of water pollution?
ANS- When humans harm the biological, physical and chemical properties of water by various activities in their daily life, it is called water pollution.
Q- How many people are dying every day in the world due to water pollution?
ANS- 14000
Q- Which diseases can be caused due to water pollution?
ANS- Cholera, Jaundice, Polio, Dysentery, Viral fever etc.
It is very necessary that the menace of this increasing pollution in the world should be tackled together. We should become alert before it is too late and we see our built house in trouble. Every possible effort should be made to control pollution with strict rules.
Even a small step taken today can save us from the big danger coming in the future. Efforts are being made by many countries to prevent water pollution. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the earth and all the living beings on the earth, which is very important for us to follow.
Friends, these were 10 lines on water pollution, I hope. 10 Lines on Water Pollution in English, Water Pollution 10 Lines Essay for Students in English, 10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on Water Pollution in English For Children And Students, 10 lines on water pollution for class 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8, water pollution speech in english 10 lines for class 1/2/3/4/5 You must have liked it. If you like it then do share it with your family and friends. Thank you